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Created 2-Jul-12
Modified 2-Feb-24
Visitors 21
58 photos
Last year I asked Tim to join me at the Wahpeton Zoo after delivering my lamp order. This year I had more room in the van, so Char and Clare joined us. Like last year it was over 90 degrees. I brought most of my photo gear. I started with my Sigma 400mm lens, which worked well for a portrait of Neena, the Bengal Tiger, but was too long for rest of the animals. I switched to a Sony 70-300mm zoom and used it all morning. We went around the Chahinkapa Zoo clockwise. Clare enjoyed the smaller animals: watching the Otters swim around, the monkeys climb their cage, and feeding the goats. Char thought the zoo was just the right size. Tim and I photographed the animals. I could have used more time, especially to work around the fences and wait for the animals to turn around. I passed up a number of animals and tried using parallax to shoot around the links in the chain linked fence. This 'perspective masking' in Adobe Photoshop took two photos, offset slightly so that went I masked the links, the animal was showed through the masked. This system worked well in a few cases: The animal was stationary, was set back from the fence, and the fence wasn't too intrusive. [The Cougar and the Camel photographs]
I also have photo sets from: 2008, 2009, 2011.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Chahinkapa, Wahpeton, Zoo, Zoo

Tal Checks His Box

Tal Checks His Box

Neena Sees A Snack

Neena Sees A Snack

Sun In Her Eyes

Sun In Her Eyes

Hobbes On Patrol

Hobbes On Patrol

Green Eyes

Green Eyes

Neena Looks At Char

Neena Looks At Char

Packing Back And Forth

Packing Back And Forth

What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?

Climbing The Wall

Climbing The Wall

Pole Dancer

Pole Dancer

Hiding Behind The Rocks

Hiding Behind The Rocks

Hump Day

Hump Day

Wallaby At Rest

Wallaby At Rest

Ready To Pounce

Ready To Pounce



Fur Coat

Fur Coat

Bear Cage

Bear Cage

Duck And Swan

Duck And Swan

Baby Ducks In The Shade

Baby Ducks In The Shade

