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Uploaded 2-Jul-12
Taken 27-Jun-12
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8 of 58 photos
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Dimensions3020 x 2416
Original file size1.21 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date taken27-Jun-12 09:21
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Camera makeSONY
Camera modelDSLR-A200
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure modeAuto
Exposure prog.Aperture priority
ISO speedISO 400
Metering modePattern
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North American River Otter (Lutra canadensis)
The river otter lives by pounds and lakes thought North America. A powerful swimmer, the otter has the stream-lined body, rudder like tail, and webbed feet. It can diver 55 feet deep and is able to swim 1/4 mile under water, staying submerged for several minutes. They dig their dens in river banks establishing underwater and above-ground entrances.
An otter's diet consists of mainly fish, insect larva, and some small mammals. They give birth to 1-6 pups in the spring.
Fun Fact: River otters are among the most playful animals. They enjoy swimming in pairs and making snow slides on riverbanks in the winter.