2510 P51 Blue Angels
A North Amierican P-51D 'Mustang' flies past the Blue Angel flight line.
P-51D 'Mustang' is flown by Casey or Robert Odegaard. A WW-II fighter painted as BC-H "Stang" 47-4404.
The other six F/A-18 pilots each must have a minimum of 1,350 tactical jet hours, and aircraft carrier qualification to serve with the Blue Angels. Each year the Blue Angels choose three tactical (fighter or fighter/attack) jet pilots, two support officers and one Marine Corps C-130 pilot to take the place of departing members.The Marine Corps pilots (three) flying the Transport/Cargo-130G Hercules aircraft (Fat Albert) must be aircraft commander qualified with at least 1,200 flight hours. The Blue Angels maintenance and support crew travels aboard Fat Albert.
Photo by Craig on Saturday, June 16, 2007 at the Fargo Air Museum.