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Uploaded 8-May-19
Taken 7-May-19
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14 of 25 photos
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Dimensions3885 x 2201
Original file size1.54 MB
Image typeJPEG
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Date modified7-May-19 13:46


A Heinkel He 111 WW-II medium bomber. Built in Spain after the war. General Franco's personal transport. 9K-GS #7052 is flown by Clint Frasier for the Confederate Air Force, Arizona Wing, Mesa AZ. N72615.

This modified Spanish 2.111D served as a transport for Spanish VIPs, including General Francisco Franco, before being purchased in England by the Commemorative Air Force in 1977. It remained the last He 111 in flyable condition until 10 July 2003, when it was destroyed in a fatal crash landing. The aircraft was attempting a landing at the Cheyenne Municipal Airport, near Cheyenne, Wyoming, while en route from Midland, Texas to an air show in Missoula, Montana. Eyewitness reports indicate the aircraft lost power to one engine on final approach and ploughed through a chain link fence before colliding with a building under construction. Killed were CAF pilot Neil R. Stamp and co-pilot Charles S. Bates. -[wiki]

Photo by Bob Nelson circa September 1996 at Hector Field.