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Uploaded 8-Sep-18
Taken 1-Sep-18
Visitors 24

8 of 144 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions1383 x 907
Original file size670 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken1-Sep-18 14:28
Shooting Conditions

Camera makeSONY
Camera modelILCA-68
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure modeManual
Exposure prog.Manual
ISO speedISO 1000
Metering modeCenter-weighted average
Digital zoom1x


Cal Poly Team Captains: FB #5 Joe Protheroe, SS #8 Kitu Humphrey, QB #10 Khaleel Jenkins, LB #15 Anders Turner, and Center #62 Harry Whitson meet the NDSU Team Captains: SS #5 Robbie Grimsley, QB #12 Easton Stick, WR #20 Darrius Shepherd, and LB #45 Levi Jordheim at mid-field for the coin toss. American Actor, Josh Duhamel (from Minot) flipped the coin. NDSU President Dean L. Bresciani looks on. Jeremy Jorgenson announces the results. Referee: David Siegle and Umpire Steve Flanagan. Explain that Cal Poly won the toss and elect to kick-off.