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Uploaded 12-Mar-16
Taken 26-Dec-15
Visitors 14

11 of 210 photos
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Dimensions2476 x 1650
Original file size642 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
Date modified26-Dec-15 17:40


WW-II fighter pursuit aircraft: the Republic P-47 'Thunderbolt' makes a low pass over Hector Field at the ND Centennial Air Show. Saturday 8/19/1989, at the old Hector Airport terminal.
Photo by Bob Nelson.
Robert J. Pond, Eden Prairie, MN, March 1986-1997. Registered as N47RP. Flown as 228473/Big Chief/HV-P. Displayed at EAA Museum, Oshkosh, WI, 1991.